Our ESG policy
IDIA Capital Investissement, a responsible investor

"We are committed to creating value in the regions while acting as a responsible investor which showcase our added value in assisting management teams with their ESG challenges. "
Bénédicte D'ALIGNY​
ESG Manager

The highest CSR standards, every day

IDIA Capital Investissement has adopted a corporate social responsibility (CSR) policy. As part of our CSR strategy, we have implemented a number of initiatives, with three main aims. 

  • Acting as a responsible employer. 
    We operate a proactive teleworking policy and an extensive training programme, and as part of our commitment to treating all employees equally, we have implemented measures to prevent discrimination. In addition, an employee satisfaction survey is conducted annually. To further improve employees’ satisfaction, a survey is carried out by an external consultant, which provides employee suggestions that are used to create new set of actions to improve job satisfaction. Since 2019, IDIA Capital Investissement has pursued a sponsorship policy with a number of charitable associations.
  • Reducing our environmental footprint.
    Our efforts in this area are reflected in our own working environment, a High Environmental Quality (HEQ) building, as well as a recycling system, the digitisation of documentation, careful consideration of employees travel contribution to our carbon footprint, controlled energy consumption, etc.

  • Improving our governance practices.
    IDIA Capital Investissement promotes a management style that fosters a sense of community, cooperation and empowerment for each team member.

Our ESG policy

As a minority shareholder of the companies we support, we believe that the promotion of responsible values creates a strong basis for a long-term partnership. This is why the consideration of environmental, social and governance issues is a priority in our investment decisions and an essential factor in our long-term relationships with portfolio companies.

In accordance with Article 3 of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector (also known as the Disclosure Regulation), sustainability risks are incorporated into our investment decision-making process and at every stage in the development of our portfolio companies, as set out below:

  • An ESG grid assesses the target company’s level of maturity and commitment on the main ESG issues – included in the due diligence process for each potential investment ;
  • A CSR clause is included in the shareholder agreement signed at the time of investment, which describes the CSR commitments being undertaken by the company ;
  • An annual measurement of the environmental and social footprint is offered to all IDIA Capital Investissement portfolio companies. Annual ESG reporting is carried out in partnership with a consulting firm. For each portfolio company that completes an ESG questionnaire, a report will be prepared to:

– Assess the company’s performance on environmental, social and governance issues;
– Identify and emphasise the good practices already implemented ;
– Define any areas of non-financial performance where there is room for improvement.

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An ESG assessment of each portfolio company is conducted in the pre-investment phase and may be reviewed each year based on the ESG monitoring carried out by the investors responsible for managing the company. This may be accompanied by:

  • the portfolio company’s annual ESG report, and/or
  • an annual ESG meeting with IDIA Capital Investissement’s ESG team, and/or
  • the monitoring of any portfolio company disputes

If there has been any deterioration in ESG performance, a new set of actions may be put in place to limit the potential adverse impact on fund returns.

Many of our portfolio companies provide an annual ESG report, enabling us to monitor any changes in the Principal Adverse Impacts indicators, as required by Article 4 of the SFDR. However, since the IDIA Capital Investissement portfolio mainly comprises SMEs, it can be difficult to obtain non-financial information in some cases. The consideration – at the management company level – of the adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors still needs to be improved and formalised before it can be published.

In its role as an active minority investor, IDIA Capital Investissement is able to help portfolio companies take action on ESG issues and improve their non-financial performance accordingly.

IDIA Capital Investissement has taken due note of the requirements of Article 5 of the SFDR. In addition, the variable remuneration of most IDIA Capital Investissement employees, including the entire investment team (analysts and financial managers), is linked to the consideration of the sustainability risks and opportunities of its portfolio companies.

See our investments

Strong ESG criteria integration in our investment strategies

We integrate ESG criteria throughout the investment process, starting from the due diligence stage. We maintain our ESG requirements for the duration of our investment. All employees are required to adhere to our ESG Charter.

Improve non-financial performance of our portfolio companies

We encourage each company in our portfolio to promote the best practices in terms of governance and management of environmental, social and regional risks.

Combine environment and economic regional development

We help CEOs to manage externalities, whether these are positive or negative.

Improving CSR compliance

At IDIA Capital Investissement, our ambitious CSR policy is aimed at increasing the quality of work life of all our employees and reducing our overall carbon footprint. IDIA Capital Investissement is committed to being a responsible employer.

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